Friday, June 7, 2013

Hambidge14--until next time...

"...The studio has been cleared and the space cleaned.  My eggs are to be left for the anagama firing and I was able to meet the kiln master. I am now doing the last touches to the cottage, having a cup of coffee before I sweep the lovely brick floor and say goodbye for a final time.  Most of my belongings, and the new additions, are packed into my little car waiting for the long journey home. I am not sure what I feel as plans crowd my mind and I think ahead, bracing myself for the traffic. I am dressed in my favorite jeans that have been worn throughout these three weeks and will be awarded a well-deserved rest when I return home.
I pick up my rings, realizing now that I haven’t worn them even once and my mind runs to all the artists who come through here to work on their process and to ease their minds and spirits from the bustle of urban places. ...Now like them, at the end of my time, I put back on my rings, my armor, and brace myself for the modern hectic world...". 

"I knew I must go on
always following the vision
within and in front of me,
no matter what the consequences,
seeing always beauty, immortal,
eternal that nature steadily
relentlessly pursues--
knowing that in life
there is no death,
only the everlasting rebirth,
the ebb and flow being pulled back
and always reaching forward
with the hope of rising
higher and higher".

Mary Crovatt Hambidge, Apprentice in Creation "The Way is Beauty". p. 315