Monday, May 13, 2013


The Old Pottery is the former ceramic studio for the property and a small part has been converted into a cottage. The screen work area has work tables, a few wheels and an electric kiln. Spring was slow to come and it was too cold to work in the open studio, despite to magnificent view.

Most of the work took place in the Antinori Pottery Studio, a short walk down the path from the cottage/studio. 

"Working with the hands for perfection develops in a person the love for integrity in work, honesty and a love for the beautiful. Not just working with the hands but working with the mind and the heart directing the hands. No work is worthwhile that is simply mechanically done with the hands --fine craftsmanship and great art can only come from love and intelligence".

Mary Crovatt Hambidge, Apprentice in Creation: "The Way is Beauty". p.86.